Projects & Initiatives

The Alliance has ambitious goals, and while working toward our most ambitious goals, in the interim we have other objectives that will positively impact the members of the Sydney basketball community. Browse below to learn more about our upcoming projects and objectives.

RAISE THE ROOF: New Roof for Alexandria Basketball Stadium

RAISE THE ROOF: New Roof for Alexandria Basketball Stadium

The Alexandria Basketball Stadium needs a crucial upgrade: a new roof.

Donation Target: $

Total Cost: $

Raised so far: $

Sydney Basketball Alliance Needs You!

We're on the cusp of an exciting new chapter for basketball in our community, and we need your help to make it happen. The Alexandria Basketball Stadium has been a cornerstone of our community, nurturing talent, fostering teamwork, and bringing people together through the love of the game. However, our beloved stadium needs a crucial upgrade: a new roof.

Why a New Roof?

The current roof has seen better days. Years of wear and tear have taken their toll, resulting in leaks that disrupt games and practices, and damage to the court that jeopardizes player safety. A new roof will ensure that our athletes have a safe, reliable place to train and compete, rain or shine.

Our Goal: $250,000 by June 30, 2024

Our goal is to raise $250,000 before the end of the financial year, June 30. Achieving this goal will allow us to start the renovations immediately, ensuring the stadium is ready for the 2025 season. Every donation, big or small, brings us one step closer to this essential upgrade. All donations are 100% tax deductable!

Why Now?

  • Safety First: Protect our players from unsafe conditions.
  • Uninterrupted Play: No more cancelled games or practices due to weather.
  • Preserve the Court: Prevent further damage to our valuable playing surface.
  • Community Hub: Ensure Alexandria Basketball Stadium remains a vibrant basketball community centre.

How You Can Help

  1. Donate: Every dollar counts. Your contribution can make a big difference.
  2. Share: Spread the word about our campaign. Share our story on social media, with friends and family, and within your networks.
  3. Corporate Sponsorship: Businesses can make a significant impact through corporate donations and sponsorships.

Our Commitment

The Sydney Basketball Alliance is committed to transparency and accountability. All funds raised will go directly to the roof replacement project. We'll keep you updated every step of the way with progress reports and photos.

Join Us in Making a Difference

The Alexandria Basketball Stadium is more than just a building; it's a place where dreams are born, and community spirit thrives. By contributing to our campaign, you're investing in the future of countless young athletes and the joy of basketball fans across Sydney.

Let's come together to raise the roof – literally - and ensure the Alexandria Basketball Stadium remains a place for everyone to enjoy for generations to come.

Donate Today and be a part of this transformative project. Together, we can make it happen!

Thank you for your generosity and support.

If you are interested in supporting the Sydney Basketball Alliance, please donate using the button below.

Make a Donation
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Make a donation

To achieve its goals, the foundation will employ a range of fundraising strategies entirely through the Australian Sports Foundation. It will also develop fundraising events and campaigns to engage the community and increase awareness of the Alliance’s mission.

If you are interested in promoting the growth of basketball in the area and supporting the local community, please donate using the button below.

Your donation is tax deductable

The Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) is the only deductible gift recipient for sport in Australia. This means that donations of $2 or more to approved projects on the ASF website are tax deductible.

Shortly after making your donation, you’ll receive an official receipt from the ASF that you can use in your income tax return.

If you have any questions about your donation, please visit